Talk All Things Sustainable
Every month in Bozeman people who care about sustainability get together at informal gatherings known as Green Drinks. Green Drinks includes a lively mixture of people from NGOs, businesses, academia, government and the local community across political and economic spectra who enjoy the opportunity to chat and network under a broad umbrella. This is a fun way to catch up with people you know and a great way to make new contacts and learn about organizations and individuals interested in all things sustainable. Everyone is welcome to invite someone else along, so there’s always a different crowd, making Green Drinks an organic, self-organizing network.

Recent Hosts

1. Presentation
Have a speaker who discusses their role in the sustainability movement for 10-15 minutes, or who has a general theme for the evening to help stimulate discussion… but keep the presentation short so the bulk of the evening is freeform and random.
2. Avoid Advertising
Avoid being an advertising channel for a business or specific cause. Green Drinks is a place where everyone should feel welcome to network openly and share information and ideas. While attendees are always interested in learning about how the host plays a role in the sustainability movement, our best hosts have done so in such a gracious and open manner that their hospitality and perspective have been warmly received.
3. Non-Political
Understand that Green Drinks is an entity that does not endorse a political party or one particular cause; however, hosts are strongly encouraged to serve local, organic, and/or sustainably-produced drinks and appetizers using reusable or at the very least recyclable cups, plates, silverware, etc.